During the year, APG and the Fund commenced building a sustainability framework to formalise
its approach to meeting the Fund’s obligations with respect to financial, environmental and social
sustainability risks.
A strong sense of responsibility runs throughout the Fund’s operations, as provided by APG as
the property and fund manager. Sustainable practices also make commercial sense and fit with
core business objectives to innovate, entice quality retailers and attract investors.
APG also recognises its unique opportunity as property manager to influence action and provide
leadership amongst retailers in the AVN portfolio.
The implementation of the sustainability framework will enhance this approach and prepare for
the publication of the Fund’s first sustainability report in FY18.
The APG Sustainability Policy underpins this commitment.
The Culture
Caring for people, retailers and communities
APG recognises that the best asset it has is the
team that manages the AVN portfolio.
As part of the environment pillar, APG, as
property manager, collaborates with retailers to
help them improve their environmental approach
through initiatives to improve waste management
practices and reduce energy use.
Supporting local charities is a highlight in
each centre. In FY17, charities such as the
Jared Dunscombe fund, The Cancer Council,
Bear Cottage, Lions Clubs, Marine Rescue
(NSW), Coast Shelter as well as various schools
and community groups were promoted and
made use of AVN centre facilities.
Our Environment
Improving our environmental performance
and resource efficiency
The development of the APG Environmental
Management System (EMS) will assist the APG
team to identify and focus on key environmental
issues. The EMS will monitor and manage
impacts in relation to waste generation and
energy use.
As part of the implementation, detailed waste
and energy audits are being conducted to identify
opportunities to reduce waste generated across
the AVN portfolio, minimise costs and switch to
low energy or renewable energy technologies
where feasible.
Some initiatives currently under review include:
yLED lighting
yAir conditioning units
yInstalling community environmental initiatives
and recycling stations at various centres
Health and Safety
The health, safety and wellbeing of the team and
those visiting centres is paramount. The APG
Work Health and Safety (WHS) Management
System was audited by an independent third
party in April 2017 and the FY18 WHS Plan
has been approved.
APG will build on this progress with physical
risk assessments to be conducted in the
coming months across the AVN portfolio.
Stakeholder Engagement
APG engages with its stakeholders on a
regular basis, through various communication
channels. This ranges from daily whole team
morning meetings, unitholder engagement,
retailer conference events and community
events such as hosting regular events for local
community groups.
Sustainability is a growing focal point in the
Fund’s drive to create value for our stakeholders
Home, NSW
10  |  AVENTUS RETAIL PROPERTY FUND DELIVERING ON SUSTAINABILITY Sustainability is a growing focal point in the Fund’s drive to create value for our stakeholders During the year, APG and the Fund commenced building a sustainability framework to formalise its approach to meeting the Fund’s obligations with respect to financial, environmental and social sustainability risks. A strong sense of responsibility runs throughout the Fund’s operations, as provided by APG as the property and fund manager. Sustainable practices also make commercial sense and fit with core business objectives to innovate, entice quality retailers and attract investors. APG also recognises its unique opportunity as property manager to influence action and provide leadership amongst retailers in the AVN portfolio. The implementation of the sustainability framework will enhance this approach and prepare for the publication of the Fund’s first sustainability report in FY18. The APG Sustainability Policy underpins this commitment. KEY FOCUS AREAS ARE: The Culture Some initiatives currently under review include: Caring for people, retailers and communities yy LED lighting APG recognises that the best asset it has is the team that manages the AVN portfolio. yy Air conditioning units As part of the environment pillar, APG, as property manager, collaborates with retailers to help them improve their environmental approach through initiatives to improve waste management practices and reduce energy use. Supporting local charities is a highlight in each centre. In FY17, charities such as the Jared Dunscombe fund, The Cancer Council, Bear Cottage, Lions Clubs, Marine Rescue (NSW), Coast Shelter as well as various schools and community groups were promoted and made use  of AVN centre facilities. Our Environment Improving our environmental performance and resource efficiency The development of the APG Environmental Management System (EMS) will assist the APG team to identify and focus on key environmental issues. The EMS will monitor and manage impacts in relation to waste generation and energy use. As part of the implementation, detailed waste and energy audits are being conducted to identify opportunities to reduce waste generated across the AVN portfolio, minimise costs and switch to low energy or renewable energy technologies where feasible. yy Installing community environmental initiatives and recycling stations at various centres Health and Safety The health, safety and wellbeing of the team and those visiting centres is paramount. The APG Work Health and Safety (WHS) Management System was audited by an independent third party in April 2017 and the FY18 WHS Plan has been approved. APG will build on this progress with physical risk assessments to be conducted in the coming months across the AVN portfolio. Stakeholder Engagement APG engages with its stakeholders on a regular basis, through various communication channels. This ranges from daily whole team morning meetings, unitholder engagement, retailer conference events and community events such as hosting regular events for local community groups. ANNUAL REPORT 2017  |  11 + Bankstown Home, NSW